Food Poisoning in the News: Oscar Mayer Chicken Breast Strips - FindLaw

Packages of fully cooked Oscar Mayer chicken breast strips that may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes are being recalled, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service announced on February 18, 2007. The chicken breast strips were manufactured for Oscar Mayer, and distributed nationwide.

Product Details and Recall Information

The affected product comes in 6-ounce packages labeled "OSCAR MAYER/LOUIS RICH CHICKEN BREAST STRIPS WITH RIB MEAT, GRILLED, FULLY COOKED - READY TO EAT." The front of each package bears the establishment number "P-19676" inside the USDA mark of inspection. On the back of each package appears a "Use by" date of "19 Apr 2007." The code "19 APR 2007" appears on each case.

Carolina Culinary Foods (a West Columbia, S.C. firm) and Kraft Foods are voluntarily recalling the packages of chicken breasts. Consumers with questions about the recall should contact Kraft Consumer Response at 800-871-7117.

No Reports of Listeriosis or Related Illness

No reports of illnesses associated with consumption of this product have been received by the USDA.

Consumption of food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, an uncommon but potentially fatal disease. Healthy people rarely contract listeriosis. However, listeriosis can cause high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness and nausea.

Advice for Consumers

Consumers are warned not to use the affected packages of chicken breast strips, even if the food does not look or smell spoiled. If consumers have any of the affected chicken breast in their home, they should not use it, and destroy it immediately.

People who are experiencing any unusual health problems after eating or coming into contact with the affected chicken breast strips should seek immediate medical attention.

More Information:

  • News Release from the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service