comScore! You Like Us. You Really Like Us.

By Robyn Hagan Cain on April 19, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Most of the time, we use this space to update you on case law, court news, or legal trends. Today, we're sharing some good news from our office. (Don't worry, it's relevant to your law practice.)

A new comScore study has ranked once again as the top consumer legal website. To put that in lawyer-validation terms, it's like having the best win-loss record at your firm, or getting props for your pantsuit from Hillary Clinton.

The comScore Media Metrix data show that nearly 2.2 million consumers visited each month in 2011. Those visitors include people like you, who are reading FindLaw blogs. So thank you!

But enough about us. We promised to tell you how this relates to you.

One of the other big numbers out of the comScore report was the traffic to the FindLaw Lawyer Directory. The Lawyer Directory, if you're not already familiar with it, is an online listing of lawyers that is sortable by name, practice area, or geographic location. Traffic to Lawyer Directory -- which features over 1 million lawyers -- increased by 10 percent in 2011.

The Lawyer Directory is prominently featured on, our consumer website, so prospective clients who need legal advice can easily find a local attorney with the necessary expertise.

Links to the Lawyer Directory are also available in all of our FindLaw HyperLocal consumer blogs. For example, a recent Los Angeles DUI Blog post includes helpful information on California's open container laws and a link directing readers who need legal representation to listings for Los Angeles DUI lawyers.

If your practice isn't drawing the number of clients you want, let FindLaw's Internet dominance help you generate clients. Since you are here anyway ...

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