Xbox 360 Controller May Overheat, Smoke

By Admin on August 24, 2007 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Microsoft has announced that, as part of a free "retrofit," it will replace parts of its Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel controller, after receiving reports of the units overheating and giving off smoke. According to a statement on Microsoft's Xbox website, "a component in the Wheel chassis may in rare cases overheat and release smoke when the AC-DC power supply is used to energize the Wheel." The Associated Press reports that Microsoft has sold about 230,000 of the Wireless Racing Wheel components worldwide. Consumers can fill out a Retrofit Form [PDF file] to begin the retrofit process. In July, Microsoft announced that it would spend $1.15 billion to repair an unrelated defect in its Xbox 360 video game consoles.

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