Why Are California Gun Owners Stockpiling Ammo?
Although California already has some of the most conservative gun laws in the country, gun owners are currently stockpiling ammunition ahead of the latest California gun control measure taking effect on July 1.
Come July 1, not only will the price of ammunition increase, but purchasers will have to show ID and clear a background check before purchasing ammo. As you might expect, gun owners are stocking up on ammo before the prices go up and their hassles multiply. Gun store owners are rather happy about this, as the gun owners in the state are shelling out now in order to avoid paying more for bullets in a few short weeks.
Background Checks for Ammo
For gun control advocates, the legislation is a welcome change. Making it more difficult to obtain ammo is almost certain to have a positive impact on reducing gun violence, as nearly every gun control restriction does. Still, at least one famous gun control advocate argues that the new laws might not be going far enough.
However, this new bullet control law, coupled with the 10-day waiting period to purchase a firearm, will likely do much to help keep firearms and munitions out of the hands of individuals who shouldn't have them. Fortunately for gun owners, though, the background checks will not be required for every purchase. Rather, ammo purchasers can get a four-year permit to purchase ammo. They will still be required to show a photo ID and the permit to make each purchase. Sellers will collect names, dates of birth, and addresses for all ammo buyers, and check them against a database at a fee of $1 per check.
Related Resources:
- The Survey Says California Courts Are More Diverse Than Ever (FindLaw's California Case Law)
- CA Supreme Court at Odds on Death Penalty? (FindLaw's California Case Law)
- California Gun Control Laws (FindLaw)