Top Wage and Hour Updates for In-House Counsel

By Casey C. Sullivan, Esq. on June 02, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

For years, minimum wage and overtime rules stayed the same amidst a rapidly changing economy. But no more. Two weeks ago, the Obama administration moved to expand overtime coverage to millions of employees, the first major change to overtime rules in over a decade. At the same time, states such as New York and California have started to raise their minimum wages to more than double the federal minimum.

All this change means that your old way of doing things might need some adjusting. To help you out, here are our top wage and hour tips, from the FindLaw archives.

1. Is Your Company Ready for the DOL New Overtime Rule?

Under the current rules, employees making $23,600 or less annually are entitled to overtime pay for any work over 40 hours per week. The Obama administration's push to modernize wage and hour laws will almost double that cut off number, making millions more workers eligible for time and a half pay. Here's what you need to know.

2. When Is a 'Highly Compensated' Employee Entitled to Overtime?

What qualifies an employee as "highly compensated" anyway? And what's the difference between a salary and a stipend? The answers could have a huge impact on who is and is not entitled to overtime.

3. What You Should Know About California, New York's New Minimum Wage

This April, California and New York both adopted laws setting a $15 minimum wage, the highest state-wide minimums in the country. But they don't go into effect immediately. Instead, the roll out slowly, based on the size of your company and, in New York, a worker's location.

4. How to Prepare for California's Fair Pay Act

A higher minimum wage isn't the only thing shaking up wage and hour rules in the Golden State. This year, the strongest equal pay law in the country went into effect in California. Here's what you need to know.

5. 9 Highlights from the SEC's CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure Rule

It's not just low-paid employees' wages that in-house counsel need to be concerned with now. Under the SEC's long-awaited CEO pay ratio disclosure rule, companies will soon have to reveal more than the average worker their CEO's are making -- after doing some complex calculus, that is.

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