Top 7 Human Resources Policies In-House Attorneys Need to Know

By Casey C. Sullivan, Esq. on March 17, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

We know, you're a lawyer, not head of H.R. But we also know that bad human resource management can easily land companies in hot water. We see it every day. Instituting a few proactive H.R. policies can help you reduce your company's risk of litigation or government enforcement actions.

Here are seven human resource and employment policies that we think every in-house attorney should consider.

1. GCs: Does Your Company Have (or Need) a Non-Discrimination Policy?

Yes, it does. Lacking a non-discrimination policy doesn't mean your company doesn't care about protecting its employees from bias, but it does suggest a casual attitude towards potential problems.

2. For the First Time, EEOC Sues Over Anti-Gay Bias

Speaking of non-discrimination policies, it may be time to update yours. The EEOC now classifies anti-gay bias as sex discrimination, so make sure your company addresses homophobia in the workplace.

3. 9 Hiring Policies to Adopt in 2016, for the Litigation Averse

Managing human resources isn't just about dealing with the employees you have; it's about getting the best talent to come in the door. These policies address that, as well as how to keep that talent from suing later on.

4. Don't Trash Resumes: EEOC Sues Coke for Record Keeping Violations

Is an applicant underqualified? Unprofessional? Don't just toss their resume! Federal record keeping requirements mean that a failure to hold on to employment applications can get you in trouble with the EEOC.

5. Does Your Company Need an After-Hours Email Policy?

With so much mobile technology, it's easy to stay constantly connected -- and constantly connected to work. An after-hours email policy could help you avoid wage and hour claims over late night emails.

6. Your Social Media Policy Can't Be Too Restrictive, Says NLRB

When it comes to corporate social media policies, you need to balance protecting productivity and your brand with respecting concerted activity, even in the digital world.

7. 10% of Americans Have Gone to Work Stoned: What Can Companies Do?

Employee drug use is a complicated issue, especially as more states move to legalize marijuana. Here's how you can address it.

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