Top 5 Things to Know About the Federal Circuit Bar Association

By Robyn Hagan Cain on September 02, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Here at FindLaw, we understand the pressures of being a legal professional - most of us are recovering lawyers - so we want to help by tossing you that preferred life preserver of the legal profession, the short list.

Today's offering: Top five things to know about the Federal Circuit Bar Association (FCBA).

The Federal Circuit Court of Appeals is a mysterious court to the majority of lawyers who will never have business there. If you are a current or future intellectual property (IP) attorney whose career will succeed or fail based on the Federal Circuit's opinions, you might find kindred spirits within the FCBA.

  1. There might be a secret handshake. The FCBA is a national organization for the bar of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. Since the Federal Circuit’s jurisdiction is based on topics rather than geography, the FCBA was organized to “unite the different groups” who practice within the Circuit.
  2. How much does it cost? An annual membership is $250 for Regular/Associate Members, $95 for Government/Educator Members, and $70 for Retired Members.
  3. Will the FCBA make me a better IP lawyer? It could. The FCBA offers period seminars on topics likely to come up in the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. Members receive discounted rates on FCBA webcasts. The FBCA also offers group discounts if you are interested in registering for a seminar with other attorneys.
  4. Symbiotic relationship. The FCBA is free for law students and clerks. If you’re a law student or a law clerk looking for a job in IP law, the FCBA could provide excellent networking opportunities. If you’re an IP attorney looking for new talent, what better place to look than the FCBA student population?
  5. Sign me up. The FCBA has a membership page with links to registration forms for all of the 8,000 types of FCBA memberships. Maybe there are really only 7 types of membership, (regular, government, associate government, educator, retired, student, and law clerk), but it seems like a lot.

Additional information about the Federal Circuit Bar Association is available on the organization’s website. For Federal Circuit Court of Appeals coverage, check out FindLaw’s Federal Circuit blog.

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