Top 5 Holiday DUI Tips

By Christopher Coble, Esq. on November 03, 2017 | Last updated on December 13, 2022

This post was updated on December 13, 2022.

The holiday season is a time for celebrating and for spending time with family. And where there are celebrations, libations are sure to follow. But all that holiday drinking doesn't need to lead to drinking and driving charges.

Here are some general legal tips and holiday-specific advice for avoiding DUIs this holiday season, from our archives:

1.Creative Campaigns Hope to Curb Holiday Drunk Driving

Law enforcement officials don't just want to punish drunk driving -- they want to prevent it from ever happening. And different jurisdictions and offices have taken different tacks to getting there, from putting designated drivers on a pedestal to putting a breathalyzer app in your pocket. Find out more.

2.Top 5 Tips for DUI Checkpoints

One of the strategies for snaring drunk drivers during the holidays is the dreaded DUI checkpoints. Given all the misinformation about how checkpoints work and what your rights are at a checkpoint, it can be hard separating fact from fiction. Start here.

3.Don't Be Haunted by a Halloween DUI: 4 Sobering Tips

If your Halloween involved more tricks than treats and you got nailed with a drunk driving charge this week, it doesn't mean that has to haunt you for the rest of your days. From pleading not guilty to plea bargaining with prosecutors, find out how to deal with a Halloween DUI.

4.Don't Let a Thanksgiving DUI Ruin Your Holiday

Turkey Day is right around the corner, so don't let a DUI put a foul taste in your mouth after all that gorging. Make sure to mix in some water and non-alcoholic beverages with your Thanksgiving feast and take advantage of cabs, apps, and other public transportation.

5.Top 3 Santa Claus DUI Arrest Videos

Finally, just a bit of fun at Old St. Nick's expense. There's a simple way to avoid being a slurring, less-than-sober Santa this Christmas -- don't drink and drive.

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