The ABA Essay Contest: $5K Challenge for Associates and Law Students

By Neetal Parekh on February 15, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Do you consider yourself to be an innovative student or practitioner of law?  Do you like to talk shop about legal malpractice law, professional liability insurance, and loss prevention? Could your wallet use an extra $5000, cash?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you should speed-click over to the ABA's Annual Essay competition sponsored by the the American Bar Association and San Francisco law firm Long & Levit LLP.

And though love may take time, this contest demands a February 19th submission or postmark, so think fast and act faster. Here are a few facts to get you started:

Who can participate?  Current law students and young lawyers.

What's the essay about?  "You are an appellate court clerk in the fictional state of Grace, which has no case law on point. Your judge has asked you to draft an appellate court opinion on the following case before the court. She cautioned that she expects a dissenting minority opinion, and you should be prepared to address all sides of the issue. You should look to leading cases in other jurisdictions as instructive authority." You can read the entire hypo on the ABA site..

When is the latest I can submit? 11:59 PM CST February 19, 2010 (Friday) by online submission.

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