Texas Lawyer, 32, Arrested for Robbing Woman, Assaulting Deputy

By Mark Wilson, Esq. on February 11, 2015 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Everyone knows that it's hard for law graduates to get a job so they can pay off their thousands of dollars in debt. Doc review jobs help, but they don't lead to anything permanent.

Between the cost of living and paying off students loans, life can be difficult. So what's a lawyer to do when faced with financial problems? Well, there's always robbery.

On Second Thought, I'll Just Flee

A Dallas lawyer is accused of robbing a lady in a church parking lot. According to FME News Service, the lawyer allegedly attacked the woman outside St. John's Lutheran Church, in Bartlett, Texas, demanding she hand over her cell phone and purse. When he couldn't access her phone, he threw it on the ground, dropped her purse, and ran back to his car.

So, not a very good thief. Or at least, not one interested in cash. But wait, it gets better.

After the victim called the police, a sheriff's deputy named Perry Moose (not a fake name) spotted the lawyer's car and pulled him over. While he was being arrested, he allegedly knocked Moose down and then kneed him in the face and chest. Moose tried to use his Taser, but it was apparently unsuccessful.

The lawyer was eventually pulled over by other deputies, more successfully this time. The arresting officer said he appeared to be acting irrationally. Deputies found a small amount of marijuana in his car.

A Texas Lawyer in Good Standing

As Central Texas' KWTX-TV reported last week, the Texas lawyer was charged with assault on a public servant, evading arrest with a motor vehicle, resisting arrest, escape while arrested, robbery, and misdemeanor marijuana possession. He remained in jail instead of paying a $311,500 bond.

The lawyer was licensed in 2012, according to the State Bar of Texas website. He graduated from Texas Tech University School of Law in 2008 and has no record of discipline.

Thankfully, at least he didn't say, "You can't do this to me! I'm a lawyer!"

Editor's note, March 4, 2017: This article has been updated to remove outdated links and to clarify that the lawyer remains in good standing with the Texas Bar.

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