Suffolk Law Offers Legal Innovation Certificate

By William Vogeler, Esq. on November 02, 2017 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Suffolk University Law School is offering a certificate in legal innovation and technology.

The good news is that it is an online course. The bad news is that it cost almost $16,000 for the certificate.

But since the program targets working professionals -- lawyers and nonlawyers -- they may be able to afford it without going into debt. And if you want to take just one course in the program, it's a relative bargain at $3,000.

Working Professionals

"The goal here is to help legal professionals rise to the top of their organizations when it comes to technology and innovation," said Suffolk law professor Gabriel Teninbaum.

He directs the Institute on Legal Innovation and Technology at the law school, as well as the certificate program. According to the website, the program is designed for lawyers, paralegals, law librarians, and others who work in the profession.

The program consists of six courses, which students may take individually or as part of the six-course curriculum. Classes include instruction in:

  • Legal Operations
  • Legal Project Management
  • Design Thinking for Legal Professionals
  • Business of Delivering Legal Services

"A Great Unbundling"

Lucy Bassli, assistant general counsel at Microsoft, will teach Legal Operations.

"I genuinely believe that the legal industry is at a great inflection point," Bassli said. "Our jobs will not look the same ten years from now. Technology advancements for legal services are ripe, and attorneys need to pay attention."

She said the legal field is going through a great "unbundling." Clients want quicker, cheaper solutions, she said.

"I want to empower my colleagues with some fundamentals of what legal operations can mean for the delivery of legal services," she said.

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