Study: Agencies Violate Online Information Law
Only one in five federal government agencies is in compliance with federal laws that require the online publication of information and records, according to an audit conducted by the National Security Archive (NSA) at George Washington University. According to the NSA report (titled the "Knight Open Government Survey"), the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments (which took effect in 1997) require federal agencies "to post key records online, provide citizens with detailed guidance on making information requests, and use new information technology to publish information proactively." But pointing to results of the audit, which reviewed the practices of 149 federal offices, NSA director Thomas Blanton states that "federal agencies are flunking the online test and keeping us in the dark."
- Read the NSA Press Release.
- Agency ratings from the NSA report: E-Stars and E-Delinquents
- Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts (FindLaw)