Sonoma County Water Coalition v. Sonoma County Water Agency, A124556
Sonoma County Water Coalition v. Sonoma County Water Agency, A124556, concerned a challenge to the trial court's grant of plaintiffs' petition for a writ of mandate seeking to enjoin a county water agency from adopting or implementing its 2005 Urban Water Mangement Plan.
In reversing and remanding, the court held that, in rejecting the agency's conclusions, the trial court required a level of certainty not factually attainable and not required by the statute, and substituted its own judgment as to the reasonableness of the assumptions relief upon by the agency, which was an error. Further, the plan at issue here is supported by substantial evidence and is in compliance with the requirements of the Urban Water Management Planning Act as the plan was clear as to its assumptions, which were based on existing conditions and anticipated completion of projects already in progress, which were equally clear as to their limitations, and for which the agency had factual support.
Related Link:
- Read the California Court of Appeal for the Fourth District's Full Decision in Sonoma County Water Coalition v. Sonoma County Water Agency, A124556