Senator: Four Loko Energy Drink Will be Banned This Week
It seems that the wagons are circling around Four Loko Energy Drink.
According to Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., the controversial drinks will soon be banned. Four Loko, contains caffeine (like Red Bull) and alcohol (like vodka) and has been linked to a number of young adults getting wacked out of their minds and acting like fools.
Under a new Food and Drug Administration rule, caffeine will be considered an unsafe food additive, effectively prohibiting the sale of Four Loko. Then the Federal Trade Commission will join forces by notifying manufacturers of Four Loko and similar drinks that they may be engaged in illegal marketing.
All along, Four Loko has contended that their drinks are in fact safe, noting that the alcohol content is on par with some beers and the caffeine content is on par with a large cup of coffee.
But Schumer isn't drinking the Kool-Aid. “Let these rulings serve as a warning to anyone who tried to peddle dangerous and toxic brews to our children. Do it and we will shut you down,” said Schumer. “This ruling should be the nail in the coffin of these dangerous and toxic drinks. Parents should be able to rest a little easier knowing that soon their children won’t have access to this deadly brew.”
The move by the Senate is not yet official, but it certainly sounds like it is going to happen. This will no doubt be a disappointment to a number of underage drinkers (as well as of-age undergrads) who seem to love the stuff. A quick Google search showed that the term, "Four Loko party," brings in 1,490,000 results and that many are scrambling to stock up on the drink before Schumer pulls the plug.
Related Resources:
- Schumer: New rule would ban Four Loko nationwide (USA Today)
- Will the FDA Ban Alcoholic Energy Drinks? (FindLaw's Common Law)
- Young Adults Encountering Underage Drinking at Parties (FindLaw)