Sean Kingston Sued by Jeweler Over Unpaid Bling Bill

By Daniel Taylor, Esq. on August 29, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

No one could accuse Sean Kingston of not sporting enough bling.

The 24-year-old rapper is well known for sporting hefty amounts of diamond and gold jewelry. He is, however, being accused of failing to pay for all that bling in a lawsuit filed in a Manhattan federal court reports the New York Daily News.

How large is Kingston's alleged bling debt?

Federal Lawsuit Alleges Non-Payment, Bounced Checks

According to the lawsuit, filed by well-known hip hop jewelry maker Avi "Da Jeweler" Davidov, Kingston has failed to pay for over $200,000 worth of diamond-covered watches and necklaces, and failed to return a $12,000 ring he borrowed from Davidov for a television appearance.

Davidov's lawsuit contends that Kingston has previously written checks for the jewelry, but the checks have all bounced. Davidov continued to do business with Kingston, according to the lawsuit, due to their "personal and close relationship." But now the jeweler wants his money, as well as $1 million in punitive damages.

Debt Collection Lawsuits

Generally, a lawsuit is the final option employed by a business attempting to collect a debt, due to the potential costs involved. When a debtor has refused to pay or the amount of the debt is substantial, however, a lawsuit to collect the debt may be filed.

The first step in any debt collection lawsuit is the complaint, describing the amount owed and the nature of the debt. Generally, for a federal lawsuit, the debtor then has 21 days in which to file an answer. The answer will include whether you admit or deny the allegations made against you and present any defenses. These defenses may include lack of proper documentation of the debt or that the debt is due to fraudulent charges.

An individual being sued for collection of a debt should consult with a debtor-creditor attorney, who can help explain the applicable law and the legal options that may be available.

As for Mr. Kingston, he should keep better track of his jewelry budget.

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