Save the Date: InsideCounsel's 14th SuperConference is May 12-14
For the past 13 years, InsideCounsel has hosted SuperConference, an event boasting experts speaking on panels, exhibitors and sponsors from leading technology providers and law firms, and draws more than 450 attendees ranging from in-house counsel to general counsel.
This year, the 14th Annual InsideCounsel SuperConference will take place from May 12-14, 2014 and will be in Chicago. Here are some details about the event, and why you should consider attending.
Details About the Event
In addition to providing panels and information on Ethics & Compliance, Litigation Management, Law Department Management and Topical Issues, InsideCounsel has added new topics for 2014 including Corporate Governance & Securities and Executive Leadership Development. All of these topics hit on major trends in law departments that we've covered recently including the growth of law department operations managers and the importance of general counsel to think strategically as a leader.
Why You Should Go
There are lots of reasons why you may want to consider attending SuperConference -- here's five of them.
1. Get CLE Credit
Many of the classes offered will give you the chance to get CLE credit so you can get your credits out of the way, all at once.
2. Network
You can rub shoulders with other in-house counsel, and learn about employment opportunities at other companies.
3. Compare Notes
How often do you get a chance to talk to other in-house counsel and compare notes? Think of it as unofficial benchmarking.
4. Check Out the Exhibits
Get updated on the latest products in the legal technology field, and perhaps while you're at it, find new outside counsel.
5. See the Windy City
Winter is over. If you were planning on visiting Chicago, May would be a great time.
Sometimes it's good to get out of your cubicle and actually interact with people -- in person. Not only will you learn valuable information, you may make some great connections.
*Note: FindLaw, is a Thomson Reuters company and Thomson Reuters is one of the sponsors of SuperConference.
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Related Resources:
- 5 Networking Tips for Introverted In-House Counsel (FindLaw's In House Blog)
- One Degree Just Not Enough? Why Not Add An MBA to Your JD (FindLaw's In House Blog)
- 3 Ways for Corporate Counsel to Overcome Lawyer Stereotypes (FindLaw's In House Blog)