Saleh v. Titan Corp., No. 08-7008

By FindLaw Staff on September 14, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

In an action alleging detainee abuse by private military contractors that provided services to the U.S. government at the Abu Ghraib military prison during the war in Iraq, denial of summary judgment to one defendant is reversed where plaintiffs' tort claims were preempted under the military contractor immunity doctrine.  Judgment for the other defendant is affirmed on the same grounds.

Read Saleh v. Titan Corp., No. 08-7008

Appellate Information

Argued February 10, 2009

Decided September 11, 2009


Opinion by Judge Silberman


For Appellants:

Susan L. Burke

Katherine Gallagher

For Appellee:

Ari S. Zymelman, Williams & Connolly LLP, Washington, DC

F. Whitten Peters, Williams & Connolly LLP, Washington, DC

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