RICO Pays a Visit to the Supreme Court

By Kevin Fayle on November 03, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The Supreme Court has another day of oral arguments today, and the star case is Hemi Group v. City of New York, a case examining whether state and local governments have standing under RICO to pursue noncommercial losses, such as unpaid taxes.  Governments around the country will be watching this one with keen interest.

Also on the Court's agenda are a case involving challenges to electricity rates, and a bankruptcy case.  Not the most, um, electrifying topics, but, as with all things Supreme, still important.
In NRG Power Mktg v. Maine Pub. Util., the Court must decide whether a standard it set in a previous line of cases applies to a contract rate for electricity transmission when that rate is challenged by someone who wasn't a party to the contract.

Schwab v. Reilly deals with questions surrounding bankruptcy and the duties of trustees, but also whether the Third Circuit stepped on Congress' toes by creating new trustee duties and modifying the definitions of Chapter 7 exemptions.

That's it for Tuesday.  To get a jump on the cases that will go before the Court tomorrow, head over to FindLaw's collection of Supreme Court dockets.
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