Reycraft v. Lee, No. E046248

By FindLaw Staff on September 24, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

In plaintiff's case against defendants seeking damages under the California Disabled Persons Act (DPA) claiming she was prohibited from using certain facilities at a mobile and RV park due to their non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), trial court's ruling in favor of the defendants is affirmed as plaintiff does not have standing to maintain a cause of action against defendants for monetary relief because she was not a registered guest of her sister-in-law and did not pay a guest fee. 

Read Reycraft v. Lee, No. E046248

Appellate Information

Filed September 23, 2009


Opinion by Judge Ramirez


For Appellant:  Russell C. Handy

For Appelle:  Leonard J. Cravens

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