Prosecutor Arrested for Biting Lover's Wife

By Minara El-Rahman on January 06, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It's not very often that we see a deputy prosecutor on the other side of the law. In the case of deputy prosecutor Kirmille Welbon, it comes with a set of facts even Jerry Springer couldn't dream up. Indianapolis metro police were called to attend to a domestic disturbance involving the deputy prosecutor this past Sunday, reports.

Marion County deputy prosecutor Kirmille Welbon allegedly showed up at her alleged lover Devann Johnson's doorstep. What happens next can only be described as bizarre.

Police say that Devann Johnson tells Welbon to leave and she complied. However, she reappears at the apartment 20 minutes later. Why did Kirmille Welbon come back? The Indianapolis Star reports that Devann Johnson and his wife Kiewanin Johnson claim that she came back demanding a pair Michael Jordan tennis shoes she allegedly bought him for Christmas.

However, Kirmille Welbon claims that she came back to the apartment to check on Devann Johnson because he told her that his wife beats him.

Whatever the actual facts are, shortly after Welbon reappears, she gets into a fight with Kiewanin Johnson replete with the biting and scratching that typically can be seen during daytime talk shows. The fight gets so loud that neighbors call police. Once the police arrive, Devann Johnson claims that he knows Kirmille Welbon from work and that he never had an affair with her. He also tells police that he never asked Welbon to show up to his place and that she has never been to his apartment before.

He claims that he knows Welbon from work and asked her to look over some legal documents for him.

While Kirmille Welbon is a deputy prosecutor from Marion County who prosecutes misdemeanor cases, but she is now facing a felony charge of residential entry and misdemeanor charges of battery with injury and criminal trespass. She has been suspended without pay until the prosecutor office can complete an internal investigation.

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