Property of the Rich and Famous: Taylor Swift's $25M Mansion
So you want to be Taylor Swift and you wish you could live her life. Well, you probably can't but you can peek at how the young superstar is living by taking a tour of her $25 million mansion.
She shared her home and her thoughts with Vogue and now we all know that she advises getting a good lawyer and that she considers herself "a national lightning-rod for slut shaming." Also, she has a fancy Scrabble board and spatulas with her initials on them, among tons of other junk. Swift may be a pop visionary and an intellectual property hawk angling to own "1989" but her sense of design is very 1942, which is the year her mansion was built.
Welcome Home
Taylor Swift owns a bunch of properties, besides the LA mansion she bought last year, and more guitars than she can count. You can see one leaning against a piano in one of the many stuffed rooms that make up her mansion. The place looks crammed, and has the accumulated clutter of a lifetime, not the feel of a young person's living quarters. But then Taylor Swift has accumulated more riches and prizes than most people ever will and she's just 26.
Maybe that's why she's got the taste of someone who has lived a lot longer, a style some reporters called "eclectic country." The Huffington Post shows us how we can copy her look, but you can also go to your grandmother for guidance and accomplish a similarly heavy effect (leopard skin throw pillows, lots of framed photos, shelves packed).
In fairness to the musician, she is a very busy lady. Her music has made her powerful enough that she can buy a $25 million mansion and she's so charismatic that her home décor matters to us. If forward thinking interior design's not her thing, she can of course be forgiven. The space (which is anything but blank, ahem) is made for someone often on the road, and perhaps more an idea of a home.
Related Resources:
- Taylor Swift Donates $250,000 to Free Kesha (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)
- Will Taylor Swift Forgive Kanye or Claim Defamation? (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)
- Lyrical Court Tells Taylor Swift to Shake It Off (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)
- Taylor Swift Buys .Porn Domain Name: Should You? (FindLaw's Celebrity Justice)