Plot Twist: Embryos Sue Sofia Vergara

By George Khoury, Esq. on December 09, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

In a surprising turn of events, Sofia Vergara's embryos have filed suit against the Modern Family actress in the state of Louisiana. If it comes as a shock to you that an embryo can file suit, you are not alone. Lawyers across the country are all shocked. Even after looking into the legality of it, they find themselves in awe.

You see, in Louisiana, the great state that brings us Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras, since the 1980s, embryos have been considered persons for judicial purposes. Vergara's ex, Nick Loeb, is not a party to the Louisiana suit; instead a new player has entered the battle. James Charbonnet is the trustee of a trust fund set up in Louisiana with the purpose of providing for the health, education, maintenance, and support of the embryos.

This newest lawsuit seeks the same ends as the one Loeb filed in California: for Loeb to be allowed to have the embryos implanted in a third party and to be allowed to raise the children himself. However, rather than tackling the issue directly, this strange embryo suit claims that by preventing the embryos from being born, Vergara will be preventing the embryos from collecting the benefit of the trust.

Background on Vergara Embryo Battle

If you haven't been following the embryo drama as it unfolds, prior to the Louisiana suit being filed, Vergara had been battling it out in California since 2014, after her and Nick Loeb split up. The couple had started the IVF process back in 2013, but was never able to successfully get pregnant.

Two embryos remained frozen when the couple split up. Before the embryos were created, the two signed an agreement stating that neither one of them could use the embryos without the other's permission. Loeb has since decided that he wants to have the embryos implanted into a surrogate so that he can raise the kids on his own.

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