Party Monsters: How to Win Your Office Halloween Party
It's the best holiday of the year, a chance to blow off steam and stuff yourself with sugar. As with so many holidays, though, Halloween often comes with an office party. Sure, you'd rather be trick-or-treating with your kids, haunting a bar downtown, or just catching up on billable hours.
But the office party is also a chance to impress your colleagues, even if it is just with your brilliant costume. Here's how to win it, because, like it or not, everything is a competition.
The Costume
Forget the booze, forget the candy, forget the Dark Arts: Halloween is about the costume. You don't have to wear a costume, but you should. And if you do, it should be a great one. Thankfully, there are plenty of Halloween practice guides to help you out. We've got more than a few that can help you out, like these great lawyer Halloween costume posts:
- 5 Dos and Don'ts for Law Office Halloween Costumes: Do think of something clever, like dressing as Habeas Corpses. Don't be offensive. Not even British royalty can dress like a Nazi and get away with it, so don't think you can either.
- 'Caveman Lawyer' and 4 Other Law-Related Halloween Costumes: Need help with that clever costume bit? We've got you covered, with ideas from a typical "law suit" (think motions stapled to your cheapest suit) to the Canadian Supreme Court.
- In Case You Don't Have a Law Halloween Costume Yet... Even more brilliant costume ideas for attorneys, from Miss Trial to the billable hour itself. (Make sure you charge everyone you mingle with in six minute increments.)
- Need a Last Minute Halloween Costume? Why Not Texas Law Hawk? Forget the legal abstractions and go as a lawyer -- a lawyer whose advertising is so bad it's brilliant. If you've got a dirt bike, a strong screaming voice, and an American flag, we suggest Texas Law Hawk. If you want to sport your leather jacket and flaming hammer of justice, try going as Jamie Casino.
The Party
Now that you've got your costume ready, make sure you don't blow it at the party. First, don't make it too sexy. We're glad you've been working out, but we'd much rather imagine you as a skilled professional and not, say, as Sexy Antonin Scalia.
Similarly, don't use the occasion to mock your colleagues or clients. Take, for example, the New York foreclosure firm that threw a homeless-themed Halloween a few years back. That was a bad idea. Getting fired for your Halloween party isn't a good look.
And remember, you've got a whole night of mischievousness ahead of you. Save the heavy drinking for later. After all, "stumbling drunken fool" is a costume you shouldn't wear to the office.
Related Resources:
- Law School Asks That Students Not Be Racist Idiots This Halloween (Above the Law)
- 13 Scariest Things You'll Encounter in Law School (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- Crimson Kidnapper: Harvard Lawyer Turns to Life of Crime (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)
- More Than Party Planning? 5 Reasons to Join an Office Committee (FindLaw's Greedy Associates)