Outer Circle Prod. v. US, No. 09-1179
Judgment of the United States Court of International Trade classifying petitioner's bottle and jug wraps under subheading 4202.92.90 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) is reversed because the subject articles "organize, store, protect, or carry food or beverages," the proper classification is HTSUS subheading 3924.10.50.
Read Outer Circle Prod. v. US, No. 09-1179
Appellate Information
Appealed from: United States Court of International Trade
Decided January 5, 2010
Before: Newman, Mayer, and Moore, Circuit Judges
Opinion by Mayer, Circuit Judge
For Appellant: Robert B. Silverman, Grunfeld Desierio Lebowitz Silverman & Klestadt, LLP
For Appellee: Marcella Powell, US Department of Justice, International Trade Field Office