Beware These Health and Beauty Fads and Products

By Admin on March 08, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

We are exposed to a lot of weird and wild notions of health and beauty. With so many stars paid to proclaim the wonders of a slew of beauty products, diets, and cleanses, it's hard to know when to detox, when to botox, and when to stop altogether.

It's one thing if your diet doesn't work or your product doesn't deliver as promised. But sometimes the damage is much worse and a wondrous idea turns into a consumer's nightmare. Let's look at the bad, the dangerous, and the dumb, four beauty and health claims that you should consider very carefully.

Beauty Bombs?

Cosmetics companies claim that they can restore your youth with creams, make your lips soft, your hair glossy, and give you a rosy glow. But did you know that some of these products do the opposite?

Sometimes individuals react poorly to particular products and that is normal. People have allergies. Not everything is for everyone. But when a lot of people make the same claims about a single product, you should be wary. On the radar, cute little pastel egg lip balms Kim Kardashian carries around like Easter candy.

The balms have been the source of many a chapped lip and face, according to consumer complaints aboue EOS's sweetly packaged product. Similarly, a hair product that Brooke Shields promotes is under fire for causing hair loss in users, although the star swears it makes her mane thicker.

Detox and Cleanse

Diet fads are too numerous to count. If you are not a vegan, perhaps you're eating Paleolithic, or not eating at all. Cleansing, or starving as it is more commonly known, is a purifying practice for mystics and meditators but a dangerous diet plan that won't work long-term.

Master Cleanse fans and tea diet types alike should be aware of the health dangers of extreme eating ... or not eating, rather. Experts say that these approaches do not promote long-term weight loss.

As for other angles on purification, these also have dangers. Recently the product Bentonite Me Baby, sold at Target, was discovered to have very high lead levels. The detoxification clay is sold for external use but the label also promotes ingestion, which is not at all recommended.

The Long and Short

The long and short of it is this. Whatever you are doing to improve your health, make sure that you research it carefully and stop if it seems at all harmful. We don't all respond to all products the same way. But do take the time to avoid known dangers.

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