Octomom's Strip Club Lawsuit Wants Her Banned from Stripping for Rival

By Andrew Chow, Esq. on July 11, 2012 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The Octomom's strip club debut has set the stage for a lawsuit.

Nadya Suleman, the unemployed mother of 14 including her famous octuplets, allegedly signed a contract to shake her money-maker at T's Lounge (get it, "Tease"?) in West Palm Beach, Fla., the Palm Beach Post reports. Her debut was set for Friday.

But after some teasing by a T's staffer on TV, Suleman bailed on the deal, and now plans to make her dirty dancing debut at a rival strip club instead.

That's grounds for a lawsuit, T's owner says.

"I was supposed to be the first, and no one else around here was supposed to get her," the owner of T's Lounge complained to the Post.

A contract dispute is at the bottom of the lounge's Octomom strip club lawsuit. It claims Nadya Suleman signed a written agreement to perform eight exclusive shows at T's.

But that was before a T's bartender went on local TV to say Suleman "must be a little crazy. Normal people don't have that many children." Suleman's rep fired back in a text message, "Dance gig is canceled ... Nadya is now not doing that club ever," the Post reports.

But T's lawsuit claims that text was sent 34 days before Suleman's scheduled performance. The contract supposedly calls for a 35-day cancellation notice.

The Octomom's strip club contract also allegedly barred Suleman from being booked at any other strip club within 50 miles, 90 days before or after her gigs at T's. Such non-competition clauses are generally valid if their terms are reasonable.

But Nadya Suleman's manager maintains the contract was not valid, because T's never forked over an allegedly required deposit fee. A court will have to look to the parties' actual agreement to determine which, if any, of these claims in the Octomom strip club lawsuit are true.

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