Not the Girl Scouts! GSA Cookie Recall

By Admin on March 02, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It's nearly everybody's favorite time of year. We are clearly past the Christmas season so it must be, yes Girl Scout Cookies are arriving! However, you may want to think twice before accepting delivery from your local fresh-faced Junior or Brownie when she hands you a box of Lemon Chalet Cremes cookies. Consumer Reports Safety Blog announced on February 24, that the charmingly named Little Brownie Bakers have voluntarily recalled some boxes of the lemon cookies.

Girl Scouts and their parents who have dutifully sold boxes at work should not panic. The Little Brownie Bakers website states that reports from consumers finding an "off taste and smell" in the cookies lead them to test their product samples. The Bakers explain the bad smell and taste are due to some of the oils in the cookies breaking down, but the company is working to correct the situation. The sight unequivocally says the cookies are safe for consumers to eat; you just may not find it the kind of taste experience you have come to expect from a Girl Scout Cookie.

The cookie batches affected by the recall have the following codes, which are printed on the end of each carton: 7455881, 7455882, 7455883, 7456741, 7456742, 7456743, 7457661, 7457662, 7457663, 7458521, 7458522, 7458523, 7459401, 7459402, 7459403.

Cookie consumers or sellers can call Little Brownie Bakers at (800) 962-1718 for more information, or contact them at:

The bakers would like to stress that no other types of Girl Scout Cookies are affected or have been recalled. The report by Consumer Reports Safety Blog expresses relief at the safety of their long anticipated Thin Mints. Please put Common Law down as awaiting the Samoas.

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