New York State Senate Votes Against Same Sex Marriage

By Tanya Roth, Esq. on December 03, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

As previously noted here on the Decided blog, the Supreme Court of New York recently took a very small step toward extending some marital rights to those in same sex relationships. Today, the New York State Senate put an end to those steps by narrowly defeating the bill that would have made recognized some sex marriages in the state.

Although both houses of this bluer than blue state's legislature are controlled by Democrats, the bill passed only the New York State Assembly, and was voted down in the New York State Senate, 38 to 42. Much like it's sister blue state California, the notoriously liberal New York will not join the rolls of states like New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut and Iowa who have legalized same sex marriage. Maine recently removed its self from this group by repealing its own gay marriage law. 40 states have laws actively banning gay marriage. That includes bigger than life Texas, where debate continues over whether the amendment to the state constitution accidentally banned all marriage

Groups against same sex marriage, such as the National Organization for Marriage, feel the New York State Senate's same sex marriage vote was a major victory. Group leader Maggie Gallagher said, "What you saw was the will of the people. ... The culture really hasn't shifted on gay marriage." New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn feels differently. She says many New Yorkers were disappointed today and "...we will not accept defeat and we will not stop fighting until all New Yorkers are treated equally."

Eastern-seaboard eyes turn next to New Jersey where the Democratically controlled state legislature will try to take up a same sex marriage vote before Governor John Corzine leaves office in January. He was defeated by Republican Chris Christie who has said he would veto a same sex marriage bill.

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