Nestle's Bottled Water Filled With Microplastics, Lawsuit Claims 

By Molly Zilli, Esq. on April 17, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

When it comes to healthy living, weight loss, getting in shape, and the like, we're constantly being told to drink more water. But what if even your water isn't good for you?

A class action lawsuit filed against Nestle claims that the company engaged in deceptive marketing because their bottled water, Pure Life, is not so pure and contains microplastics, according to a recent study.

Study: Nestle the Brand with Highest Contamination

The bottled water study was conducted by State University of New York and Orb Media, a nonprofit journalism organization. They tested more than 250 bottles of water from 11 brands and found that 93 percent showed some level of microplastic contamination, with Nestle's being the highest.

However, Nestle's own tests showed a much lower number. Additionally, Orb's study cited a 2016 report on plastic in seafood by the European Food Safety Authority which found that up to 90 percent of microplastic particles consumed by a person can travel through the gut without a trace.

Nestle Accused of Negligently, Recklessly Concealing Truth

According to the complaint, the lead plaintiff, Cindy Baker and her family purchased and drank Nestle Pure Life water on multiple occasions within the last year. The lawsuit says Nestle "intentionally, negligently and recklessly concealed and omitted the truth" about the quality and purity of their bottled water.

Specifically, they contend that Nestle engaged in deceptive marketing which misled consumers about the water's geographic origins and health benefits. Nestle is standing by the integrity of their brand and is prepared to defend themselves "vigorously." According to the Orb study, the bottled water industry is the fastest-growing beverage market worldwide, valued at $147 billion per year.

Lawsuit Demands Nestle Stop Sales and Pay Restitution

Because of the microplastics contamination, the lawsuit demands that the company stop production and sales of their Nestle Pure Life Purified drinking water and "pay full restitution to all affected California consumers." In total, Baker is seeking certification of the class action, damages, restitution, and disgorgement.

Not all illnesses and injuries caused by things we consume are the fault of food and beverage manufacturers. However, some are. If you think you were harmed by a company's product, speak with an attorney to assess the strength of your case.

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