Naked Guy found Not Guilty of Breaking Indecent Exposure Law

By Kamika Dunlap on April 12, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Erick Williamson was finally vindicated after he was found not guilty of breaking Virginia's indecent exposure law.

A jury acquitted Williamson, 29, who earned a nickname in Fairfax County as "The Naked Guy" last year when he was busted for being in the buff in his own home, the Associated Press reports.

Williamson said the verdict sets the record straight and that his actions were innocent.

As previously discussed, a judge convicted Williamson of indecent exposure for spending spent several hours naked in his Springfield home packing up belongings.

Williamson was moving out, and decided to pack his belongings and make breakfast in the nude.

He argued he was exercising his "personal freedom" and never intended to expose himself.

But police said Williamson made a point of making himself visible to a 7-year-old boy and his mother as they walked to school along a path outside his home.

In addition, police, prosecutors and two witnesses said Williamson's actions were designed to draw attention to himself.

Williamson was convicted of a misdemeanor he received neither jail time nor a fine. The appeal trial for The Naked Guy however went to the county's circuit court. Williamson risked a punishment of spending a year in jail to clear his name.

According to the seven-person jury, Williamson was found not guilty of breaking indecent exposure laws. Williamson's case hinged on Virginia's definition of indecent exposure, which requires three elements: exposure, intent, and obscenity.

The case received national attention and spurred debate about the boundaries of acceptable nudity.

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