NAAG: Top 10 Consumer Complaints for 2008

By Admin on September 01, 2009 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) has released its top 10 types of consumer complaints received in 2008. With the state of the economy over the last year, it's not too surprising that debt collection complaints top the list of most common consumer complaints to state Attorneys General across the country.

Part of the duty of each state's Attorney General (AG) is to protect the state's consumers against illegal commercial activities. They bring lawsuits to enforce the state's consumer protection laws, and hopefully shut down violators if appropriate. They often rely on consumer complaints to know which industries or practices need policing.

The National Association of Attorneys General conducts an annual survey of what types of complaints are most commonly reported to each state's AG's office. Here were the top 10 types of consumer complaints for 2008:

  1. Debt Collection
  2. Auto Sales
  3. Home Repair/Construction
  4. Credit cards (tie)
  5. Online goods and services (tie)
  6. Predatory lending/Mortgages
  7. Telemarketing/Do-not-call
  8. Auto Repair
  9. Auto Warranties (tie)
  10. Telecom/Slamming and cramming (tie)

(In number 10, "slamming" refers to the unauthorized switching of a customer's long distance carrier, and "cramming" means adding of services unrequested by the customer.)

Also mentioned were unauthorized charges and inaccurate late fees on credit cards, along with debt reduction and foreclosure avoidance scams in which consumers are asked to pay an up-front fee.

Here is a list of contact information for the Attorney General's office of each state.

(Via the Consumerist.)

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