Mueller Report Spares Trump, Leaves Lawyers in the Wake

By William Vogeler, Esq. on April 18, 2019

Many pundits speculated that the Mueller report would reveal where the dead bodies were hidden in the Russia investigation.

Robert Mueller's report is a treatise on Russian interference in the 2016 election, but it is not an indictment of President Trump or any one else. Take it or leave it, that is the good news and the bad news.

The dead bodies, it turns out, were buried by the special prosecutor. Some of the big ones were lawyers.

Dead Lawyer Society

The report is 448 pages long with hundreds of redactions as fodder for more speculation. In releasing the report, Attorney General William Barr didn't help with comments about "episodes of obstruction" but without committing to further inquiry or prosecution.

For now, President Trump is atwitter. The "witch hunt" is dead, and associated attorneys have joined the dead lawyer society. Here's a short list:

To be fair, Veselnitskaya and Craig are not legally dead. They have been indicted, but that is the same as being dead to your law firm. The other attorneys in the dead lawyer society have pleaded guilty or been convicted of crimes.

'Episodes of Obstruction'

In another universe, "episodes of obstruction" sounds like "incidents of criminal activity." Ten incidents would be enough for any conspiracy theory. That's what worried Trump's legal team most, not collusion.

Right now, they are looking like the smartest lawyers in the investigation. Both Martin Raskin and Jane Raskin, husband-and-wife lawyers, joined the team last year. They knew the real threat was obstruction of justice. Barr doesn't think so, and his say-so is pretty much the law of the case for now. The legal commentators may tell us what it should be.

But Trump's lawyers, the ones who survived, could say they told us so. We'll see if the dead bodies rise for a nice lawyer-zombie Apocalypse. It ain't over till the bodies stay dead.

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