Mother's Day Special: Top 5 Moms Arrested for Being Moms

By George Khoury, Esq. on May 12, 2017 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Mother's Day is one of the most revered secular holidays in the US and across the world. Everyone has a mother (even mothers), and most would agree that one day a year simply isn't enough to celebrate all that mothers do. But moms are more than just people ... even when they get arrested, you can see the love.

In the spirit of the holiday, below you'll find five of the top FindLaw blog posts about moms being arrested while just being moms, albeit to the extreme.

1. NY Mom Sent Death Threats to Little League Coach

Moms love to see their kids succeed. But when it doesn't happen, some moms are willing to not just go to bat, some might want to actually pick up a bat and take a few swings for their kids. Fortunately, for one little leaguer that didn't make the summer travel team, his mother stopped at death threats against a little league official, and the official's wife and son.

2. Cursing Toddler Can Stay With Teen Mom: Judge

Kids say the darnedest things. Even cool moms might not beam with pride when their little one blurts out a singular obscenity, or a string of them. However, one 17 year old mom, probably just being a proud mama, got in trouble over a video of her child flipping the bird, and repeating curse words and explicit phrases that he was being asked to repeat. Fortunately for the mom, a judge allowed her to maintain custody and placed both son and mother into the same foster home.

3. NC Mom Tattoos Daughter, 11, Gets Arrested

While some moms may strive to be cool, not all cool things are going to be legal, especially when it comes to tattooing your pre-teen child. One tattoo artist mom ended up facing criminal charges as a result of a simple heart tattoo that her daughter asked for. Under North Carolina law, it is a misdemeanor for any tattoo artist to tattoo a minor, even with parental consent.

4. Teen in Racy Yearbook Photo Arrested With Mom

The school yearbook photo can sometimes lead to quite a battle between parents and children. However, when one mother and daughter saw eye to eye about submitting an un-approvable, provocative senior photo for the yearbook, legal trouble likely wasn't too far behind for the pair. Mother and daughter were arrested for throwing a house party where alcohol was being served to minors. Mom even attempted to run from the police.

5. Mom Arrested for Cheering Too Loud at Daughter's Graduation

As mentioned earlier, moms love to seek their children succeed. Maybe a little too much sometimes. Take, for example, Shannon Cooper of South Carolina. Cooper was actually arrested for cheering too loudly at her daughter's graduation ceremony. While there's nothing illegal about loving your child, ironically, as Cooper learned the hard way, sometimes displaying that affection too loudly in public could result in disturbing the peace.

Happy Mother's Day!

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