Mastering California's Anti-SLAPP Law
California's anti-SLAPP statute can be one of the most powerful tools in a civil litigator's toolbox. The law is meant to counteract "strategic lawsuits against public participation" such as libel claims against a coworker who opens up an internal investigation, or intentional infliction of emotional distress suits over a negative online review.
California's anti-SLAPP statute is the oldest in the nation and arguably the best. Not only can it result in the dismissal of a suit, an anti-SLAPP motion halts proceedings and, if successful, can achieve an award of attorney's fees. Knowing how to wield this weapon, or how to disarm it, could be the difference between winning and losing a case.
How to Win an Anti-SLAPP Motion, or Defeat Them
Since California's anti-SLAPP statute is the oldest, it's also one of the most widely used, showing up in everything from unlawful detainer actions to homeowner association disputes, with a wide range of caselaw creating an intricate web of governing authority. Thankfully, there are relatively easy ways to make sense of this law and the best ways to use it -- or defeat it. An upcoming program from The Rutter Group, "Anti-SLAPP Motions: How to Win Them / Defeat Them," promises to help you do just that.
The program is designed to bring you up to date on this constantly evolving area of law. If you're new to anti-SLAPP litigation, this program offers a quick, easy introduction. If you're a veteran anti-SLAPP litigator, you can benefit from the recent case updates and lessons on effective anti-SLAPP techniques. Topics cover everything from anti-SLAPP exemptions, to staying discovery through anti-SLAPP motions, to unique procedural and appellate issues for anti-SLAPP litigation.
Learning From Leaders, With Some Goodies on the Side
You'll be learning from some of the best in the field, as well. Presiding Justice Lee Smalley Edmon of the Second District Court of Appeal will moderate. Judge Curtis E.A. Karnow, of the San Francisco Superior Court, and Thomas R. Burke, partner at Davis Wright Tremaine, will present.
The program is being offered in both Los Angeles and San Francisco this May. Participants won't just be able to learn the latest anti-SLAPP strategies, they'll also be eligible for three hours of MCLE credit, including half an hour of legal ethics credit. Two essential Rutter Group resources are also available to enrollees, at a steep discount: The Rutter Group's Civil Litigation Series "Anti-SLAPP Litigation" and California Practice Guide "Civil Procedure Before Trial" will both be available at half price.
Related Resources:
- Foie Gras Lawsuit Not Barred by Anti-SLAPP Claim (FindLaw's California Case Law)
- Internet Commenter Beats Defamation Suit with Anti-SLAPP Motion (FindLaw's California Case Law)
- Court Revives CNN Discrimination Suit (FindLaw's California Case Law)