Man Sues Stripper Over Money, Laptop, 'Harry Potter' DVDs

By Daniel Taylor, Esq. on May 21, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Buyer's remorse or broken heart? A Houston man is suing a stripper he claims he'd been "dating" for $2,000 in alleged loans, along with a laptop and his entire "Harry Potter" DVD collection.

What was going on behind closed doors in this man's chamber of secrets and what does his now-former Hermione have to say for herself?

'No Refunds in the Strip Club'

As reported by Houston's KRIV-TV, Houston software developer Robert Wallace and exotic dancer Nomi Mims met at Treasures, a club where she performs. The two became "friends," Mims says -- but Wallace claims they were more than just friends and were in the process of "building a life together."

After all, would you loan just a "friend" your entire "Harry Potter" DVD Collection?

While Mims admits that she may have given Wallace the wrong impression, she insists that there are "no refunds in the strip club" and anything she received from Wallace was merely a gift. These gifts were in turn repaid by Mims in her own way: "I've given him gifts too," she told KRIV. "You know, how do I get my booty and boobs back?"

Alas, that's not quite what the law means by the term "anatomical gift"...

Gift Law

In general, three elements are legally required for something to be considered a gift:

  • The giver must intend the item to be a gift,
  • The giver must actually give the item to the recipient, and
  • The receiver must accept the gift.

Though these gift rules usually come up in disputes involving engagement rings, it would apply similarly in this case to Wallace's money, DVDs, and... (ahem) laptop.

Still, Wallace hopes a judge will see things his way when he meets the stripper again -- this time, in small claims court.

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