Man Steals $314 from Stripper's Garter Belt

By Jason Beahm on February 13, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Somebody didn't tell Ronnie Menard how it works at the strip club. The 19-year-old Florida man asked for a lap dance at Fantasy's at the Beach but tried to steal a Fort Myers stripper's money during the dance.

He grabbed her garter, which snapped and then he ran out of the strip club with $314. The stripper said that she had just counted the money so she knew how much she had, WBBH News reports.

So how did they find him? Video surveillance? CSI style forensic detective work? Statewide man hunt?

Actually, they just asked a stripper where Menard lived. She already knew where Ronnie Menard lived, because she had already given him a ride home before, WBBH News reports. That was easy enough.

Now Menard is being charged with grand theft. Theft, also known as  larceny is the taking of something of value without the consent of the owner, with the intent to permanently deprive him or her of it, also known casually as stealing. In most states, there are different theft charges for larger dollar amounts, such as "grand" or "petty," theft, which usually relate to the value of the property taken. In Florida, that amount is $300.

So if Menard's Fort Myers stripper friend had only made a bit less in tips that night, he would be looking at a petty theft charge instead. What a shame. In reality though, he is actually fortunate that he is only facing theft charges. He could also be facing assault and battery. He could also have gotten his teeth knocked out by a bouncer as he made his getaway.

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