Man Scales Rock Face, Proposes, Goes to Jail

By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on April 12, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Some people give a lot of thought to a marriage proposal, hoping to really wow the future spouse. Michael Banks certainly tried to do that when he scaled the side of a 581-foot rock in Fresno, California to propose. But it seems he should have given this proposal idea just a bit more consideration because he got in a lot of trouble for scaling the prohibited rock and more, according to the Huffington Post.

Did the woman say yes? Well, yes, though she may have quickly regretted it. There is more to this glorious tale of love.

Say It With FaceTime

After Banks scaled the dangerous face of the prohibited rock, he contacted his girlfriend on his iPhone FaceTime app. She was taken with the proposal and said yes, so soon it was time for Banks to head back down the rock.

Unfortunately, he took a different path on the way back than he did on the way up and he got stuck. Banks found himself stranded on a steep ledge. A witness heard him screaming and called for help.

Soon enough, a helicopter arrived to scoop Banks off Morro Rock, and authorities learned that there may be a few reasons to be displeased with this man and his mode of proposal. He was he cited for trespassing and the City of Morro Bay confirmed in a statement to ABC News that Banks "will be billed for the chopper ride and other related costs."

The Morro Bay Fire Chief, Steve Knuckles, told NBC News that the area is closed to climbers because it is deadly. "I have been on at least four calls where people have died on the rock," Knuckles said.

Saving for the Wedding

Rescuers suspected that Banks, besides being foolishly brave, was also intoxicated. He was arrested for possession of methamphetamines, and after the rescue he went to jail.

He did not post the $10,000 bail. Perhaps he's saving up for an unconventional wedding.

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