Man Convicted on Gun Charges after Shooting Himself in the Groin

By Kamika Dunlap on May 12, 2010 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

A Colorado man was convicted on gun charges after shooting himself in the groin.

David Leroy Blurton claims he was trying to fight off a mugger when he fired a handgun into his groin at a local parking lot.

But jurors didn't buy David Leroy Blurton's self-defense claim and convicted him on gun charges including illegal discharge of a firearm, the Associated Press reports.

Blurton said he was attacked by an unknown assailant in a grocery store parking lot in Colorado, who hit him in the back of the head. When he went to draw his gun, it discharged and he shot himself in the groin.

But according to Deputy District Attorney Kristine Word, Blurton, 50, had been drinking alcohol the evening he pulled a Makarov 9mm pistol from his truck near City Market in Dillon and tried to cock it, resulting in serious injury.

The surveillance footage was insufficient to support Blurton's claim. In addition, the district attorney's office said none of Blurton's money was missing.

The incident last year occurred after Blurton had been fishing and drinking beer at Lake Dillon with a co-worker. That same day at Ruby Tuesday's, Blurton's co-worker paid him $1,000 in cash for some work he had done.

The 12-member jury deliberated more than three hours before reaching a verdict. Blurton was eventually charged with a felony and two misdemeanors:

  • Felony reckless discharge of a firearm, and
  • Misdemeanor counts of "prohibited use of a weapon -- drunk with a gun" and reckless endangerment

The felony charge can result in a prison sentence of up to three years and the misdemeanors combine for imprisonment of up to a year-and-a-half.

Blurton's sentencing is set for June 14.

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