Man Charged for Slapping Female Officer on Butt

By Cynthia Hsu, Esq. on November 09, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Most people know that if you want to avoid jail time, you really shouldn't anger a policeman. For example, if you slap an officer on the butt, you might be getting yourself into trouble.

First, you're drawing attention to yourself.

Second, you've probably earned the officer's ire.

That's exactly what happened in the case of 21-year-old Taylor Valentine of Madison, Wisconsin.

The officer was on bike patrol at the Freakfest event in the State Street area of town. It was a little past midnight. Valentine, for whatever reason, decided to slap her on the buttocks. His hand even touched her service weapon.

The female officer was unsurprisingly not amused with the situation. She got off the bike and slapped Valentine back - with some handcuffs. He apologized profusely, but he was still given a citation for disorderly conduct.

Disorderly conduct statutes are typically on the books of most states' laws. It usually makes it criminal for individuals to be drunk in public, disturb the peace, or to loiter in certain areas. Basically, if you're acting too obnoxious or unruly you may fall under this category if you're disrupting the peace.

Does slapping someone on the butt disrupt the peace? It could, especially when in the process of slapping you accidentally slap the person's gun.

Sure, Valentine was sorry. But that doesn't erase his relatively unprofessional actions. Imagine if expressing remorse really did get you off the hook for crimes. That wouldn't exactly go with the traditional sense of justice.

But on the other hand, at least it shows that Valentine understood his actions were wrong.

And, now that he's gotten a citation for slapping an officer on the butt, chances are Valentine won't be slap-happy for a long time to come.

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