Mailman Caught Defecating in Yard on Postal Route

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on April 19, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

If there was ever a time to be thankful for nosy neighbors, it's when your neighborhood postman decides to defecate on your front yard.

Yep, you read that right.

Don Derfler of Portland, Oregon photographed his mail carrier dropping trou on his neighbor's lawn last week, and no one knows just why the pooping mailman did it.

Derfler was waiting for a babysitter when KATU reports he saw the postal worker pull down his pants. He started snapping photos, which reportedly show the pooping mailman squatting and then pulling his pants up.

There's even a shot of the poop itself.

After Don Derfler filed his complaint, a group of suited postal inspectors showed up to remove the evidence. Another nosy neighbor objected to the intrusion and told them that they shouldn't be wandering around someone else's home, reports KGW.

For the homeowner's sake, let's just hope the second nosy neighbor wasn't successful in deterring the clean-up effort.

Defecating and urinating in public is a misdemeanor offense in most states, as it creates an unsafe, potentially hazardous situation. It can also lead to charges of indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, trespassing and vandalism.

Chances are that the pooping mailman will have to show up in court but will only be fined for his misdeed.

As for his job? It's unclear right now whether the pooping mailman will be returning to his route. A U.S. Postal Service spokesperson told KGW that he is currently on unpaid leave pending an investigation.

Oh, and that he's embarrassed.

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