Luther Campbell Miami Mayor: 2 Live Crew Rapper Runs for Mayor

By Jason Beahm on February 06, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Guess who is running for Mayor of Miami? None other than Former 2 Live Crew rapper Luther Campbell. Campbell promoted his candidacy from the comfort of his desk, by writing a column in the Miami New Times. Campbell will be up against Mayor Carlos Alvarez who is facing a recall.

The Luther Campbell Miami Mayor campaign now begins, and Campbell is of course being questioned as to whether he is up for the job. He doesn't have any real political experience. Nevertheless, Campbell said he's the right person because it is time for a change, the New Times reports.

The Luther Campbell Miami Mayor campaign isn't exactly a political anomaly. Miami is no stranger to bizarre and controversial voting issues. Miami Mayor Xavier Suarez was ousted from mayoral office due to a judicial vote fraud ruling. Suarez received votes from dozens of ineligible voters, including one who was dead.

Campbell, famous for such songs as "Me So Horny," says this about his candidacy:

"I get in my car, ride around Liberty City, and everything looks the same as when I was in the neighborhood growing up ... I see the same crimes in the same areas. Officers and residents are still getting killed in the community I grew up in. I go to a city like Atlanta that has sensible affordable housing, and no one is being murdered. I go to Miami International Airport and see the same construction that has been going on for like a hundred years. All of that frustrates the hell out of me. Why aren't we getting it right in Miami-Dade? Why is our government only serving one set of people? That's what is pushing me to run."

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