LSAT to Go Digital -- Smiley Face :)

By William Vogeler, Esq. on October 04, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

The Law School Admissions Test will soon be given in a digital format.

According to the Law School Admission Council, examinees will be able to take the test digitally for the first time in September 2019. The new format will be offered only in North America; paper tests will continue to be available everywhere.

For students, the best feature is they will be allowed to see their scores before deciding to send them to a law school. In the digital world, you can press a delete button.

Delete and Repeat

The LSAT will be administered nine times during the 2019-2020 cycle, up from six times in the current cycle. That will give students more chances to take, or retake, the test before applying to law school.

"The structure of the test sections and test questions will not be any different than the paper-and-pencil LSAT, and we'll be providing free online tutorials, so we don''t think test-takers will have any problems moving to the digital version," said Kellye Testy, admission council president and CEO.

In field tests, candidates reportedly found the digital format easy to use. Testy said it will be delivered on a tablet device loaded with patented software, designed for efficiency and security.

Among other features, it will allow test-takers to highlight portions or questions, rule out answers and see how much time they have to finish.

GRE, Too

Increasingly, law schools are accepting the Graduate Record Examination. It is already available in a digital format.

The GRE is offered throughout the year, allowing students to take the test once every 21 days. Test-takers may take and repeat it up to five times during a cycle.

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