LSAT Goes Digital on Surface Tablet in 2019

By William Vogeler, Esq. on December 10, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Don't even think about Microsoft v. Apple if you are thinking about taking the Law School Admission Test.

In the clash of these titans, Microsoft won. The Surface Pro -- not the iPad -- is now the unofficial sponsor of the LSAT.

The Law School Admission Council, which administers the LSAT, will offer the test on their Surface Pro platform beginning July 2019. Don't worry, you can still use your own tablet for studying.

Surface Pro

Test-takers may not use personal tablets, phones, or other devices on the test. The list of acceptable items for the test is still the same, including:

  • ID
  • Wallet
  • Car keys
  • Pencil, eraser, highlighter

The council's Surface Pro, however, is new. It comes pre-loaded with custom software for the exam.

"Now that we have the device, everybody is curious about it," says Kellye Testy, president and CEO of the LSAC. "It's a great one, they've engineered it from the ground up."

Accessibility Features

Part of the council's new program is a platform they call the Admission Communication and Exchange System. Law schools use it for student recruiting, admissions, and reporting requirements.

Microsoft and the council will release a new version next year. It will include enhanced graphical reporting, and the Surface Pro will have enhanced accessibility features.

"If you're blind, text to speech is built into the product," said Troy Lowry, senior vice president of technology products for the council. Other assistive technology includes the ability to change font size, highlighting, contrast, and color correction.

"We expect that more and more candidates will practice for the LSAT on digital platforms, and we'll be making a wide range of digital tools available." the council said.

No doubt, that will include apps for Apple products.

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