Looking for a Feel-Good Lawyer Story? Here Are Two.

By Joseph Fawbush, Esq. on November 14, 2019

While we do our share of stories about lawyers gone bad and irate judges here at FindLaw, most go through their days competently, respectfully, and professionally. And sometimes, there's a story that makes you realize that there are some nice people in the legal profession, too. Here are two recent examples.

Hold My Baby, I Got This

Law school can be stressful, more so when you have children. Particularly so when you have a one-year old. That didn't stop Juliana Lamar from graduating from Belmont University College of Law and passing the Tennessee bar. Court of Appeals Judge Richard Dinkins, who acted as a mentor to Lamar and was officiating the swearing in, requested that her baby participate in the ceremony. Judge Dinkins was happy to hold him while Lamar was sworn in. A picture of Judge Dinkins holding the toddler went viral.

As for Lamar, she will be clerking for a state court judge - not for Judge Dinkins, though.

Speaking of Children . . .

In October, Jay Friedman, a D.C.-area lawyer, filed a motion for an extension in a lawsuit against the Department of Justice regarding organic food production regulations. It is not a particularly noteworthy event, except for the underlying reason. The motion pointed out that the Nationals had lost 31 of its first 50 games before making it to the World Series. It then noted that “since that time, due in part to the unflagging support of a certain nine-year old boy closely associated with undersigned counsel, the wheels of justice have turned and the team has rightfully advanced deep in the baseball playoffs."

The lawyer's 9-year-old son, a Nats fan, wanted to stay up late to watch the games with his dad. So counsel needed a few days.

Turns out the Department of Justice has Major League Baseball fans, too. The DOJ did not oppose to the two-day extension. The motion was granted, and the Nats went on to win the World Series. Only people in Houston felt bad.

Lawyers Can Have Lives?

There is currently a lot of focus on attorney wellness in the legal profession. Whether you are a recent grad with a child or an attorney embroiled in a three-year lawsuit with the DOJ, there can be significant stress with being a lawyer. It's nice to know that there are still lawyers and judges willing to not only be civil and respectful - but take the time to make life a little better.

There's hope for us lawyers yet.

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