Lindsay Lohan Stalker: Restraining Order on David Cocordan Granted

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on June 10, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It's a little lazy to stalk someone currently on house arrest, but Lindsay Lohan stalker David Cocordan appears to have capitalized on Lohan's restricted lifestyle.

After he sent countless text messages and made an attempt to speak to the judge presiding over her theft case, the embattled actress was granted a restraining order against Cocordan, who must now refrain from harassing the actress and remain at least 100 yards away for the next 2 years.

According to court records, the 28-year-old man sent over 100 text messages to Lohan, including some that bordered on sexually explicit, reports E! Online. David Cocordan also showed up at the actress' home, as well as at nearly all of her recent court hearings.

Even weirder, the Lindsay Lohan stalker attempted to have a conversation with the judge in Lohan's criminal theft case, telling the court clerk that he was her fiancé.

That prompted a call to the police and periodic surveillance of the judge's home, reports TMZ.

It took about a month for the judge to decide whether to grant the order, which is pretty typical when it comes to restraining orders.

Ordinarily, upon filing a restraining order, a person will be granted a temporary order until both parties are available for a full hearing on the issue. Though courts generally try to expedite such procedures because of safety concerns, a month waiting period is pretty standard barring exceptional circumstances.

Even though he is the Lindsay Lohan stalker, David Cocordan didn't warrant such haste.

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