Lindsay Lohan Must Do Community Service in Morgue

By Stephanie Rabiner, Esq. on April 27, 2011 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Lindsay Lohan told Jay Leno Tuesday that her repeated encounters with the law have been the result of her youth and finding fame at the age of 11.

At 24, she contends that focus is now the key to her success.

One can only hope that she puts that theory to the test as she gets ready to star in her newest role, a real-life drama dubbed Lindsay Lohan: Morgue Edition.

Okay, okay. Regardless of whether you buy Lohan's blame game, the fact is that the actress was sentenced to 120 days in jail and 480 hours of community service last week as a result of a judge finding that the necklace theft incident violated her probation.

While she's running around claiming that she is "shocked" by the decision, chances are that Lindsay Lohan is more shocked by the site of her probation: the morgue.

In addition to 360 hours at a women's homeless shelter on Skid Row, ABC News reports that the judge issued Lindsay Lohan morgue duty for 120 hours of her time.

From what the LA County's Assistant Chief Coroner told ABC, Lohan will be undertaking janitorial duties while at the facility. Though she won't be able to touch any dead bodies, she will certainly be seeing some.

If you're questioning the origins of the Lindsay Lohan morgue extravaganza, keep in mind that judges have a lot of leeway in sentencing, especially when it comes to community service.

As is likely the case here, they try to choose community service locations that will hopefully teach defendants a lesson they sorely need to learn. The judge probably feels that a brush with death would do Lindsay a great deal of good.

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