Lil' Wayne's Lawyer Sues Star for $300,000 in Fees

By Ephrat Livni, Esq. on March 15, 2016 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It sometimes seems that we all have similar problems, no matter what we do and no matter how much we get paid for it, or how little. You might imagine that a lawyer to the stars has no trouble getting paid. But that is not what Michael B. Kramer is claiming in his lawsuit against rapper Lil' Wayne.

Known as Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. in court, Lil' Wayne reportedly owes his lawyer $300,000, writes the New York Daily News. Kramer and Wayne reportedly had a payment plan in place since December. But last month Lil' Wayne flaked on paying, and Kramer has filed suit.

Lawyer Payment Plans

In December the Grammy award-winning rapper and his lawyer agreed that Lil Wayne owed a lot of money, specifically $350,000. Kramer and his client allegedly agreed to a monthly payment plan, so that Lil' Wayne could pay in (relatively) little installments.

This is a very common practice -- many clients and attorneys have these kinds of agreements. Lawsuits can take a long time and legal services are often expensive, so it can work in both a client and counselor's favor to spread out payments over an extended period.

The Deal

While the deal between Wayne and Kramer involves substantial sums, there is nothing unusual about a payment plan for legal fees, particularly for a person with as many legal problems as Lil Wayne. Their specific agreement involved Lil' Wayne paying $50,000 in December, followed by $20,000 monthly payments for 15 months until the fees were paid in full.

According to Kramer's lawsuit, he received a payment from Lil' Wayne in January -- starting the year strong -- but the following month, February, the rapper skipped a payment.

Lil' Wayne's representatives could not be reached for comment so it is not yet known why he stiffed his attorney in February. Perhaps after shelling out in January, he decided the deal made in December with Kramer is no good. Presumably, he will have no problem finding another lawyer to respond to this filing from his lawyer, Michael Kramer, as he is still a star. But that attorney will probably ask for payment up front.

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