5 Lessons for Young Attorneys from Robin Williams

By Gabriella Khorasanee, JD on August 13, 2014 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

On Monday, we lost one our most beloved comedians and actors, Robin Williams. From my earliest memories, he has been an entertainer that has always brought a smile to my face -- and undoubtedly, yours as well.

There are so many lessons we can take away from his passing, but we want to remember him for the comedic (and dramatic) genius he was. To celebrate that, we look to some of his famous roles as lessons for young attorneys.

1. Mork from Ork, Mork & Mindy -- Always be Curious

My earliest memory of Robin Williams is his role in the Mork & Mindy show. His childlike curiosity made me feel like I was watching a peer, rather than an adult. That curiosity is still deep within you, and you should do your best not to bury it. By keeping your curiosity alive, you'll be more likely to learn more, do more and take on life's challenges.

2. Genie, Aladdin -- Choose Wisely

Though you don't actually see Robin Williams on screen in Aladdin, he comes through loud and clear as the Genie. You should heed the advice Genie give Aladdin: choose wisely. Whether it is personal or career related, don't make hasty decisions. Weigh your options and think about consequences before making big decisions.

3. John Keating, Dead Poets Society -- Seize the Day

One of the most valuable lessons of all, Robin Williams, as a teacher, instructs his students the meaning of carpe diem. He tells his students to "seize the day" and "Make your lives extraordinary." This advice applies to men and women of every age, so long as you are living and breathing, make the most of every day.

4. Armand Goldman, The Birdcage -- Stay True to Yourself

In The Birdcage, Armand Goldman is living a lifestyle that his son's future in-laws may not understand. Though he tries to conceal it at first, in the end the truth comes out and everyone's the better for it. Sometimes in life there may be people who don't agree, or understand, the choices you make. Ultimately, only one person needs to live with those choices -- you -- so stay true to yourself.

5. Popeye, Popeye -- Eat Your Spinach

Not literally (though spinach is good for you), but you can take a lesson from Popeye and treat yourself right -- eat the right foods, get some rest, and take time to recharge. Keeping yourself physically and mentally strong, will make you a better attorney, and a better person.

It would be remiss of us not to note that Robin Williams suffered from depression, something that many attorneys deal with as well. If you, or someone you know is affected by depression, there are resources that can help.

We will miss our Pagliaccio. Nanu nanu.

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