Lebowski Fest Founder Arrested for Smoking Weed at Bowling Alley

By Christopher Coble, Esq. on July 15, 2015 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

It's the least shocking arrest in America's long and storied criminal justice history -- the founder of "The Big Lebowski" homage Lebowski Fest was arrested (wait for it) at Lebowski Fest (wait for it) at a bowling alley for ... smoking weed.

Louisville police put the cuffs on Will Russell outside of the Executive Strike & Spare for drug possession, resisting arrest, and menacing after he allegedly took a fighting stance and challenged officers. While this sounds like straight forward crime, this is actually a very complicated case. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, a lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head.

They've Got Four More Detectives Working on the Case

Russell was arrested at five in the afternoon, after officers spotted him allegedly smoking weed in the bowling alley's parking lot. He later apologized for "acting like a savage," and said, more Bobby McFerrin than Jeffrey Lebowski, "Don't worry. Be happy for me" on his Facebook page.

Unanswered questions from the police report include:

  • Whether the nihilists threatened his johnson
  • Whether he subsequently swung a bowling ball at the nihilists
  • Whether he was able to recover his tape deck (or the Creedence)
  • Whether little Larry was about to crack
  • Whether the Dude got his rug back

You're Being Very Un-Dude

Judging by Lebowski Fest's Facebook page, the Louisville Fest went on as planned and organizers have had some fun with the news, meaning no one dragged any negative energy into the tournament. But Russell may not want to be cheered up: possession under Kentucky's marijuana laws is a Class A misdemeanor. And along with the charges for resisting arrest and menacing, he could face up to 27 months in jail and $1,250 in fines.

It's unknown whether noted Constitutional scholar Walter Sobchak will assist with Russell's defense.

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