Lawsuit Claims Harvey Weinstein Issued Death Threats to Employees

By Ceylan Pumphrey, Esq. on February 16, 2018 | Last updated on March 21, 2019

Another day, another lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein was one of the powerful figures in Hollywood up until being accused of sexual harassment and assault by several women. The latest lawsuit filed by the New York Attorney General is a result of a four month investigation.

This lawsuit has been filed against Weinstein, his brother, and the The Weinstein Company and alleges, among other things, that Weinstein issued death threats against employees and their families. This lawsuit adds to the list of lawsuits that have been filed against Weinstein, including a federal RICO lawsuit.

Some New Allegations...

The lawsuit claims that Weinstein, his brother, and their company committed "egregious violations of New York's civil rights, human rights, and business laws." Among the claims is that Weinstein allegedly threatened to kill his employees and their families, and boasted "You don't know what I can do." Weinstein, a prominent fundraiser for the Democratic party, also allegedly bragged about his political connections, saying he had "contacts within the Secret Service that could take care of problems."

...And Some More of the Same

In addition to the new allegations of death threats, the lawsuit also claims that Weinstein berated women regularly using various gender-based obscenities. The suit also alleges that Weinstein enlisted three sets of employees to assist in his "sexual conquests."

One group of female employees were expected to accompany Weinstein to events and act as "wing women." Another group of female employees "were compelled to take various steps to further [Weinstein]'s regular sexual activity" and would sometimes have to facilitate his erectile-dysfunction shots. As for the third team, which consisted mostly of female employees, it's alleged that they had to meet with women Weinstein saw as potential targets and then make sure that his promises of employment were fulfilled.

How Was the Company Involved?

The suit alleges that Weinstein's brother was aware of the way Harvey Weinstein was acting, yet did nothing to stop him. The lawsuit additionally alleges that the management and board of The Weinstein Company was "repeatedly presented with credible evidence of [Weinstein]'s sexual harassment ... and his use of corporate employees and resources to facilitate sexual activity with third parties." Although Weinstein was fired as co-chairman after the various allegations of sexual harassment and assault started coming to light, the NY Attorney General's lawsuit clearly doesn't think that was enough.

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